Changelog for BuildCraft 6.3.2


[#2381] Individual robot blacklist (asie) [#2377] Make swimming in oil a lot harder (Vexatos) [#2376] Make oil behave like lava? (asie) Add block description support to facades (asie) Add fluid/power number hiding support (immibis/asie) Add support for connected textures using getIcon() in facades (asie) Make facade lookups much less strict (asie)


Performance optimization for auto workbenches (immibis) Performance optimization for block breaking robots (hea3ven)


[#2404] Bug in energy consumption routine (asie) [#2397] Inventory not updating properly when removing pluggables (asie) [#2389] Facades added through IMC only allow crafting of metadata 0 in multiplayer (asie) [#2388] add-facade IMC checks block.getRenderType() on server (asie) [#2386] Vanilla logs not facadeable (asie) [#2385] Robot registry NPE (asie) [#2370] Planter robot can't plant potato and carrot (hea3ven) [#2350] Picker robot won't drop items in pipe (hea3ven) Check if another mod added fluids before us (asie) Fix docking stations staying linked when changing a robot's main link (hea3ven)