NOTE: This changelog is likely incomplete. There have been a lot of little changes in the mod which may not have been caught properly.
- Ported to Minecraft 1.8.9. This took a lot more effort than we ever expected.
- Detailed client-side configuration - lets you change a lot of client-side options. Advanced users only! (AlexIIL)
- Rendering
- Builder now shows if a blueprint or template is inserted (AlexIIL)
- Clear lenses now use a water texture (AlexIIL)
- Engines are now a static/dynamic mix, meaning they are less FPS-taxing (AlexIIL)
- Laser beams now have a wider minimum size, improving far away lasers (AlexIIL)
- Pipes are now shaded properly - yay for ambient occlusion! (AlexIIL)
- Power in pipes is now animated, showing its direction (AlexIIL)
- Slight tweaks to many textures across the mod (asie, AlexIIL)
- Things now have somewhat more 3D models (gates, docking stations, builders, fillers at least) (AlexIIL)
- The Builder has an icon showing if a gate has turned it off. (AlexIIL)
- The Filler has an icon showing if a gate is locking the pattern, or if it is in a different mode to normal. (AlexIIL)
- The entire frame for the quarry is now transparent, matching the texture of the frame block (AlexIIL)
- The quarry frame lights properly depending on the light value of the block each part is in (AlexIIL)
- Transport
- Gates now let you drag and drop triggers and actions! Lists of them are available to the sides (AlexIIL)
- Support for Minecraft's statistics system (AlexIIL)
- The deprecated (pre-BC 7.0) version of the List (asie)
- The Recipe Packager and Stamping Table. They may come back in a different form (asie)