BuildCraft 6.4.16 Stable, 7.0.5 RC; Compat 7.0.3 RC

Time to bump BuildCraft 7 to an "RC" state: that is, we think it's stable, but we can't be sure. We're also updating BC 6 to 6.4.16 with another few tiny fixes. I personally encourage packs to start adopting BC 7; however, keep in mind that Forestry will …

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BuildCraft 6.4.15 Stable, 7.0.4 Beta; Compat 7.0.2 Beta

Three releases today! BuildCraft 6.4.15 Stable (with a few bugfixes) and 7.0.4/Compat 7.0.2 Beta (with tons of bugfixes and additions)!

Grab them here, as usual.


BuildCraft 6.4.15 Stable

Bugs fixed:

  • [#2554] Broken Programming Table logic (asie)
  • add-assembly-recipe IMC not working …
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BuildCraft 7.0.3 Beta, Compat 7.0.0 Beta

EDIT: A hotfix for BCCompat is out, fixing NEI recipes. Grab version 7.0.1.

Finally! A proper release of BuildCraftCompat, and with it improved NEI support, as well as AMT2 and WAILA compatibility! At the same time, we're also releasing BC 7.0.3 which fixes further issues. Download …

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BuildCraft 6.4.14 Stable

This update fixes fluid pipe speed issues, which were a massive complaint about BuildCraft, as well as a few minor issues. It also adds support for block/item name remapping to blueprints, which will be useful if a mod ever changes them (such as Chisel 1 -> Chisel 2). Grab it …

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BuildCraft 7.0.2 Beta & Four Years of BuildCraft

We fixed most of the bugs plaguing the 7.0.1 Beta, and did some improvements. Download here!

In other news, exactly four years ago, BuildCraft 1.4.1 (the first release, with five pipe types) was uploaded to SourceForge! Partytime! \o/


Everything from BuildCraft 6.4.12-6.4 …

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BuildCraft 7.0.1 Beta

(Re-download, fixed a crash bug with Builders module)

It's been a while without a beta, and we managed to fix many bugs and improve many things - especially related to robots (thanks hea3ven). Also of note is the return of a modular BuildCraft - you can now go to the download page …

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Spotlight - Let's Play "Surviving with BuildCraft 6"

I think that it is a good idea to post a Spotlight every once in a while - so many people are doing amazing things with the BuildCraft ecosystem. I'm often impressed.

First up - chilm, the man who decided to survive with BuildCraft 6 - and he survived through MJ and into …

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BuildCraft 6.4.10 Stable

This update ACTUALLY fixes compatibility with Forge builds 1355+. Here you go.

Next time, I need to do more testing on things - but there's so little time...

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